
MboxT – “Mind your Gap” for working together with Covid-19 Awareness

GlobalM – Secure Workplace and environment

At airports we all are used to hear “Mind your Step”.

At Global M we’d like the support businesses and their staff to “Mind your Gap”.

We’re proud to deliver on our promise ROI with IOT!

Start up your business and work safely with:

  • Respect for health and wellbeing of your colleagues
  • Keep your 1,5 meter distance
  • Monitoring corporate rules and standard regulations
  • Analyse where and when 1.5 meter rules are hard to keep
  • Notifications and reporting on amount of alerts there have been during a specific period

Why GlobalM

  • Keep social distance rules ‘top of mind’ while working together
  • Awareness at all time for personal health and wellbeing
  • A fully autonomous solution that works straight out of the box
  • Personal information is not stored
  • Easy to clean, recharge and maintain

ROI with IOT – Benefit after Covid-19

The Global M platform is fundamentally designed to ‘unlock and connect’ all types of Internet of Things tools and devices. An investment today into the “Mind your Gap” for Covid-19 working together solution will surely provide interesting Return on Investment opportunities for the future.

Future benefits

Benefits of the platform for working in a future ‘new normal, secure workplace’.

  • ID Card holder
  • Time registrations
  • Geofencing for entering or leaving safe and restricted zones
  • Men down alert (Lone worker)
  • Two way communication
  • Non movement alerts
  • Notifications for speeding, temperature, locations
  • Access control
  • Direct connections to Security Operation Centres for incidents and alarming situations


With these benefits implemented into your future day2day business and operations your investments now to keep your staff safe during Covid-19 are never wasted.


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